An Open Interview For Glenn McMillan

How this works: Hello Glenn McMillan! Your loyal fans would like you to take just a moment to answer the following questions in your spare time. We understand you're busy, so just take your time and answer only the questions you want to. I have one personal request though. I'm sure you understand. To know it's not just some fake, could you take a current picture of yourself and/or a video or even just record your answers as a .wav/.mp3 file? Email contact will appear at the bottom of the open interview. So, now on to the questions!

  1. Describe your current life, what you're up to right now, etc.
  2. Describe your personality, what it's like to know you.
  3. What hobbies do you have? For example, rumor has it you still play the sax and are into motocross.
  4. IMDB mentions that you play a minor role of "saxaphone player" in the 2011 Australian film Swerve. Is this a one time gig or are you planning on going back into acting?
  5. What ever happened with the movie Heart of the Clann?
  6. How similar or different are you to the characters you've played? For example, are you more similar to Bronley Hale, Dustin Brooks, Tiny Maloney, Ben Handleman, etc, or are you completely different from them all?
  7. If you've had a moment to look through this site, are there any errors that you would like to correct? Do you want anything added/removed/changed?
  8. Are there any rumors (here or elsewhere) that you'd like to put to rest?
  9. Optional: Tell us a little about your life outside of acting, from childhood to present.
  10. Do you still (or did you ever) consider yourself a celebrity?
  11. Would you be willing to sign autographs for fans?
  12. Have you heard of/read any fanfiction, such as on It's basically fiction about a character you (or someone else) played that continues or changes their adventures. What are your thoughts on this?
  13. What's an interesting and quirky trivia fact that most people don't know about you?
  14. Do you have anything you want to say to your fans around the world?
  15. What is the best way for fans to contact you?

1 comment:

Rogue Ranger said...

Feel free to suggest other questions!