About GlennMcMillan.com

GlennMcMillan.com is a site created by fans for fans.

Since Glenn McMillan's official site is no longer online and most sites about Glenn McMillan have not been updated for years and cover only a limited part of his acting career, GlennMcMillan.com aims to be the most complete and up-to-date Glenn McMillan site on the net. We also try to fill in for the void left when his official site went away.

This site is in blog format so that multiple fans can post content easily to each section simply by tagging it. To navigate the site, click on the tags above, such as LIFE/BIO, PICTURES, etc. To view more posts in any of those sections, click "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page. Enjoy! Remember, you can leave feedback in comment form anywhere!

Attention GlennMcMillan.com "Authors": Here is an illustration showing how "Labels" work. When posting something new, Labels make that post end up in a certain area. For example, when you have a video and you start to type video into the labels section, it will prompt you to use the Label VIDEOS. Then, your post will appear under the section for VIDEOS. All main sections are in ALL CAPS. Other labels appear on the right hand side of the page. You can type in new labels too, but don't go overboard. Labels are topics and not keywords. 

Fan art, shoutouts to Glenn or personal stories of why you like Glenn, etc. should use the Label FAN STUFF so they appear in that section. Note: All posts, regardless of label appear in the section HOME/UPDATES. Have fun!

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